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Umberleigh Academy Vision for Geography

'Geography explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future. What could be more important than that?'

Michael Palin 2007


To ensure our pupils receive a high-quality geography education that inspires a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people which will, as a result, remain with them for the rest of their lives.


At Umberleigh Academy, we believe that Geography plays a unique and vital role in a child’s education. Our approach seeks to ensure all children secure a depth of knowledge and understanding of what it means to be a global citizen and through this gain an understanding of diverse places, other people and cultures which exist in the world. In order to achieve this, we will seek to impart in children curiosity and interest in the natural and man-made phenomenon that occurs around us.

Our globally thematic approach will ensure that the children develop the geographical skills needed to collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes.  We will seek to ensure that each child is able to communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length.

We are committed to ensuring that learning geography is relevant and purposeful for the children at Umberleigh Academy. Through our local and global partnerships, we hope to provide unique experiences for our children so they can deepen their connection with other people and places.


Each child as they progress through the school will cover the KS2 National Curriculum in its entirety. Our two-year rolling programme will be rigorously monitored and evaluated by our History Leader, by the SLT and Local Governing Body in order to ensure high standards are achieved.  We will further develop the range and quality of resources available to all children to enrich and support their learning in history. The use of external experts and resources, including trips and visitors coming into school, will be an important part of the learning program. This will enhance the children’s enjoyment and therefore engagement in history.

Children are provided with high-quality teaching and learning experiences drawing on the pedagogical principles embedded in the Cornerstone Curriculum. 


During the Engage Stage you should see children:

• taking an active part in memorable first-hand experiences

• beginning to read and research about their new theme using a range of source materials

• asking their own enquiry questions

• talking about and exploring new ideas

• developing spoken language skills in different situations and with a range of people

• taking part in sensory activities • identifying possibilities for future learning.


During the Develop Stage you should see children:

• delving more deeply into a theme

• developing an understanding of new concepts and skills

• acquiring new knowledge

• practising and mastering new skills

• making links between subjects across the curriculum

• re-visiting previously learned skills

• composing, exploring, making, doing, building and investigating

• using transferable skills in different subjects and contexts

• reading and writing for different purposes and audiences

• finding answers to their own questions and those asked by others

• following pathways of enquiry based on their own interests

• explaining and describing their learning and understanding

• completing homework activities that support their learning. 


During the Innovate Stage you should see children:

• applying skills, knowledge and understanding to real-life and imaginary contexts

• showing enterprise in solving problems and resolving situations

• using their thinking skills to explore possibilities

• building their self-esteem and confidence

• reflecting upon and identifying their own needs, skills and understanding

• working in pairs, groups, as a whole class and independently • taking on different roles and responsibilities.


During the Express Stage you should see children:

• performing, presenting and becoming the experts

• evaluating finished products, processes and progress

• linking what they have learned to starting points or initial observations

• reflecting on their own learning • sharing their achievements with parents, classmates, the community and beyond

• celebrating their achievements. 


Emphasis is placed on investigative learning opportunities to help children gain a coherent knowledge of understanding each unit of work covered throughout the school.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Assessing children’s understanding of topic-linked vocabulary before and after the unit is taught.
  • Diving deeper pupil discussions about their learning.
  • Marking of written work in books.
  • Images of the children’s practical learning.
  • Moderation staff meetings where the work of key groups of pupils is is discussed.
  • Annual reporting of standards across the curriculum